Blog Policy
This is my blog. I write about stuff that interests me. Sometimes that includes my clients. And sometimes that includes stuff that has been sent to me for free as a review or evaluation copy.
- I will ALWAYS disclose if I am blogging about a client.
- I will ALWAYS disclose if I have received a product for free.
I have comments enabled on my blog. I don't moderate them - just ask that you make it through the captcha when posting your comment. Since this is my blog, you are a guest and here's what I expect from you:
- Keep it (relatively) clean and civil; most of the time this isn't an issue, but occasionally the folks commenting on my Bell Canada posts get a little testy.
- If you are the owner/producer of a product that is a competitor to one I have blogged about, you are welcome to leave a comment that includes a summary of your product and why it may be better. But you must DISCLOSE that you are the owner. Don't adopt a fake name with a fake email address and say "XYZ is a GREAT product" while all the time cackling behind your hands that YOU are in fact the creator of XYZ. This is a form of astroturfing that really pisses me off. I will find you out and delete your comment. Plus, an angel loses her wings every time you do that, so stop. Again, this doesn't happen often, mainly on my laptop bag post. Pitching Policy
Being in the communications industry, I understand the role and value (yes, value) of PR people. And about 90% of the PR people I have been in contact with are genuine and sincere. I like it when PR folks get in touch to let me know about what new products and services are coming down the pike.
To help out you dedicated PR folks, here's what is likely to get my attention:
- Contacting me via email:
- Sending a brief to-the-point email. You don't need to pretend that you read my blog regularly. It's ok, I'm not upset that you don't.
- If you are sending a press release (please don't just email me a press release, but if, for some reason, you can't resist), include a link to that press release's home on the Internet. Or a link to whatever you are promoting. No link - no love.
- Ideally, you should have a digital press kit (aka Social Media Press Release). Extra points if you have one of these. Don't know what one is? Check out LintBucket's Helpful List of Social Media Release Resources
- If you are sending something in the mail, please put my name on it, not just the blog URL. (My name is Kate Trgovac in case you weren't sure.) Oh, correct spelling is always appreciated.
Things I will likely blog about (running list based on pitch emails I've responded to):
- Web 2.0 stuff. I don't blog all of it (I'm not Mashable), but I will blog it if it's fun, engaging, productive and Canadian.
- Gadgets. Love gadgets.
- Laptop Bags.
- Mac Software.
- Books ... this one is tricky though - so many books, so little time. Email first.
- Chocolate.
Things I will likely NOT blog about (running list based on pitch emails I've deleted):
- Social Media Consultants and Speakers. For some reason I get a lot of emails telling me about so-and-so, a social media consultant who is available for speaking gigs. Yeah, me too. Take a number.
- Pretty much anything to do with hockey. Why do I keep getting pitches for hockey-related programs? It's the one part of the Canadian citizenship I failed. I don't like hockey. Please stop sending me hockey pitches. Unless it's an invite to live blog the Stanley Cup playoffs from a box that is right behind the visiting team. Even I won't turn that down.
How to Conduct a Blogger Relations Program
I'm in a fortunate position because I get to play for both teams: I am a blogger and I help companies develop blogger relations or outreach programs. I gave a talk on this recently; the slides are below.
Hat-tip: The impetus to finally sit down and write these for my own blog comes from reading Ed Lee of Blogging Me Blogging You and his blog and pitch policies.