Next week, I'm moderating a panel at the From Mass to Grass WOM conference called "Building Buzz for Good" - focusing on the use of WOM marketing by non-profits. To me, WOM is a perfect fit for non-profits (as well as small businesses) because it can be done on a shoestring budget with some simple smarts and elbow grease.
I'm lucky to have two delightful panelists to engage in conversation: William Azaroff from Vancity/ here in Vancouver and Deborah Kaplan from Zerofootprint in Toronto. They are going to be sharing case studies of what they've been doing at their respective organizations, on and offline, to get the word out. I've gotten a sneak peek and they have some great stories to tell!
But part of the fun of a panel is asking for their insights beyond their own projects. So, if you are attending From Mass to Grass (whether in reality or spirit), what would you want to know? As a non-profit marketer, would you be more interested in a practical discussion or a more philosophical one? What's preventing you and your organization from using more WOM tactics?
I'd love your input! And I'll report back with session notes!
Also, I'm starting a page of resources on WOM marketing for non-profits. I've started bookmarking a few things on delicious, but I'm also including some other things on this page. What resources would you recommend?
Photo Credit: chotda