Smoke 'em if ya got 'em - it's that time again. That's right - time for From Mass to Grass, CMA's Word of Mouth Marketing Conference. This time, it's personal. Because I was on the committee :)
So, here are the important bits:
When: Thursday, June 12, 2008, 8:30 - 4:30
Where: Atlantis Pavillion at Ontario Place
Who: Over 20 business and not-for-profit leaders in WOM, Social Media and Viral Marketing (including WestJet VP, Richard Bartrem; author, Douglas Rushkoff; TD Bank VP, Su McVey; Exec Director Zerofootprint, Deborah Kaplan; and Managing Partners at Mabel's Labels, Julie Cole and Tricia Mumby)
This year, the agenda includes more B2B, more metrics, more measurement, more not-for-profit and more ethics - all based on feedback from last year's attendees.
It's really a fantastic collection of folks - Canada's best and brightest from across the country.
And you know what's going to make it the best conference ever? You!
So register for From Mass to Grass and spend the day with us. But first, hop on over to Facebook and become a fan. Because Fans get a $50 discount on the price of registration! But only til May 1st.
And keep an eye out. We have several buzz-generating activities scheduled for the next few weeks, including some video, some experience stuff and a contest where you can help your fav not-for-profit and small business win a complimentary ticket to Mass to Grass.
And on that personal note, this was the first CMA Conference Committee that I've served on, and it was a pretty good time. Whether in person or on a conference call, it was great to spend time with this group of folks. Kudos and thanks to:
Mirabel Palmer-Elliott, Rogers Publishing
Allison Daisley, Cake Beauty
Minnow Hamilton, Savvy Mom
Kiran Balladin, CMA
Cathy Landolt, CMA
Sean Moffitt, Agent Wildfire
Mitch Joel, Twist Image
David Jones, Hill & Knowlton
Michael Seaton, Thornley & Fallis
Peter Coish, XY Media Ventures
Baron Mannett, Ariad Communications
Steve Osgoode, Harper Collins
Jay Moonah , 58 Ninety
and me, Kate Trgovac, LintBucket Media
Update: Check out the great posts from my M2G Colleagues:
- Sean Moffitt - "From Mass to Grass" Marketing Conference Launches ... and an Early Bird Discount Sean has the low-down on every speaker and moderator. How does he manage to write so much? That's why he is co-Chair of the conference and I'm just a lowly member.
- Dave Jones - Psst…$50 off CMA Word of Mouth conference…pass it on
- Mitch Joel - Gets the word out about M2G earlier this year on his podcast