Tonight was CaseCamp SecondLife. So great! First and foremost ... I think this is totally tricky to do and I am totally impressed w/ all the speakers. Total props to Michael [his writeup], Doug, John and Eli. You lose so many cues when you're just presenting via audio. Is it easier for podcasters, I wonder?
It's hard to capture all the points from each speaker .. but here's what I captured (and not all of it marketing related!)
Doug Walker from RockPaperScissors
Some RPS tips: Against men .. throw paper. B/c most men when you surprise them with a game throw rock. Most women, when surprised, throw scissors .. so throw rock against them.
Michael from Scotiabank
- Turned Hockey Fans into Brand Fans!
- Went from dead last in brand recognition to first in the ottawa area!
John Wall from AccuRev
- Great story about learning Google and tweaking a campaign (thru spelling, bids, linking and other tactics) to get some great ROI.
Eli Singer for World Wildlife Federation
- Campaign was all about telling stories!
- Great combination of guerilla marketing tactics, plus some strategic use of delicious tags, flickr tags and blogging.
Woo .. India! So awesome that we had a group of people checking it out from India. One of the best things about this in SL! Totally international crowd: Canada, Boston, Hawaii, India, UK, San Fran, Atlanta and more, I'm sure.
Thanks to my fellow organizers: CC, Bryan and Eli. So much up-front prep went into this, especially on the tech side. And a special audio shout out to Lynette from Lynette Radio for supporting us with streaming audio assistance! And mucho gracias to the crayon crew for letting us hold it at their amphitheatre!
Additional Writeups
- Balaji Sowmyanarayanan has a great writeup of the event! Including some snaps, in which you can see my dress
- Leesa Barnes has an interesting write-up about her less-than-positive experience. Very thoughtful. I'm interested to think, talk and experience more of SL because I do believe there is something there (though maybe not for marketers). But Leesa expresses some of the issues I had when I first went into SL.
- Lisa Walker has some thoughts on the real-conference feel of CaseCampSL.
- June Li has a write up as well as details on how she allowed a fellow marketer who couldn't attend b/c of SL tech limitations to see what was happening as well.
Flickr tag - casecampsl